Attendee Options

What are Attendee Options?
Why are they referred to so often in the administator notes?

The Attendee Options are the heart of the management of individual attendees.  You can get at this page through name searches or from other reports.  The heading on the page looks like this.  The number in parenthesis after the name is the aID number for the attendee.  The next line gives the Payment Status of the registration amount.  The first four digits refer to the total owed.  The last four show how much has been paid.  There are many more functions that can be performed from this page as listed below.  Access to the Attendee Options page is controlled by Site Administrator Access.  You need to have permission granted.

Attendee Options

For First Last (331)
Current PayStat is [0300:0000]

This answer is incomplete.   To request completion, click here.

You can view records, see a summary, see the invoice, change the registration type, make a special cart entry and assess a cancellation penalty.  You can make payments and give refunds. 
There is also an open text field in which you can enter a note about this attendee.