Incomplete Answers
Why are some answers listed as "incomplete?"
When will an incomplete answer be finished?
Why bother putting partial answers?
Can I request it be answered now?
The development of the EventCORE Help Center is an ongoing process. Our process is to regularly build new answers that addess the most relevant questions. Our desire is for each answer to be complete. But sometimes an answer is left incomplete for two primary reasons.
First, a "placeholder" is entered to reserve a spot for an answer and to serve as a reminder that we have yet to complete that answer. In that case it may be that we've just listed the title and a few cryptic notes.
Second, we may start and answer but don't get a chance to complete it. There are times that we are working on a few answers at once becauase answering one question kind of develops the need to answer a second question. But the priority of the second, or sub-question, may not be as critical at the moment so we leave it incomplete for a time. We may also intentionally leave an answer incomplete because other answers frankly have a higher priority.
If you encounter an "incomplete" answer, you can request that it be completed by clicking on the "Post a Comment" section for that answer. (Don't worry, your comment will not go public). Simply state that you would like that particular answer completed and we will make it a priority to answer it next.
We list incomplete answers because sometimes event the cryptic notes are enough information to help someone and it also provides a platform for getting the answer completed more quickly. The user has a place where they can post a question or request completion.