Buttons, Custom/Continue

Can I create my own custom button?
How do I change the colors of the buttons that appear on the site.
Can I remove the "Continue" link on the bottom of the home page?
Can I have the "Continue" button on the welcome page go to a different page.
Why do my changes not appear?

We have a special answer to change the "Continue" button on the Welcome Page.

It is possible to create a custom button. The process varies based on the type of button you wish to create.  Here is how you create the following buttons:

Info Message: You use this notation, (b|99)b(Button Title|b).  The 99 is the message number and the "Button Title" is the phrase that appears in the button.  When this notation hits the message builder, it will put the botton in place of this specially notated text.

Continue Button: This is the same as the default "Continue" button that takes attendees to the "Start" page for choosing a log in type.  To use this button, use the notation (s|continue|s)

Start Button:  This takes you to the same place as the "Continue" button, but it uses the phrase "Start" instead of "Continue" as the button label.  The notation is (s|start|s)

Contact Button: This creates a "Contact Us" button that takes you to the contact us page.  The notation is (s|contact|s).

Solo Button (w/label): This creates a "Solo Start" button that takes you to the solo start page.  It also uses the custom label that you've identified for this page.  The notation is (s|solo|s).

If you want to create a "custom" button, you can use this notation.  For example, this notation will create two buttons centered on the page.  The first takes you to the Help Center for Integrated Resources.  The second uses the standard notation to create a "Contact" button.

< span class="button">< a href="http://help.intre.org" class="button">Help Center< /a>< /span> (b|contact|b)

Through the use of this feature, you can create a very powerful navigation system.  The colors and text controls for these buttons are controlled in your style sheet

For example, let's say you have a very short "Welcome" message but you have a longer letter from the conference director that you want to appear on that page.  You can "turn off" the automatic continue button (explained below) and then place two buttons at the bottom.  One to link to the "Directors Message" and the other for the normal "Continue" button. 

The standard "Continue" button can be removed or replaced with your own text.  When your site is set up under Basic Site Settings, there is a setting for "Go To Start."  (Basic Site Settings -> General Site and Contact Information).  There are various standard settings you can choose, but if you select "None" then no button will automatically appear. 

If you wanted to have your own custom button at the bottom of the welcome page that read, "Begin" instead of "Continue", you would select "None" under Basic Site Settings -> General Site and Contact Information -> Go To Start.  Then you would place the following at the bottom of your Welcome Message. 

< span align="center">< a href="user.php?a=start&s=59">Begin< /a>< /span>

Finally, keep in mind that some of your changes will not appear until you reload the site and activate your changes. 

Note: For the custom notations, you need to take out the space between the left bracket and the code. (e.g. In the phrase "< span...", remove the space between the "<" and the word "span". We need to have the space so that they display correctly in the help center.