Support Tier Levels (Four Levels)

What are the Different Support Levels?
What is Tier 3 Support?
Is there a charge for support?

Rest assured that although there is the potential for support charges to add up, the majority of our events never incur over $25 in support ticket charges.

Defining the Four  Support Levels
When a person uses the "Contact Us" link on the event page, it creates an internal support ticket. The ticket starts as Tier One, but then can be escalated as follows.

  • Tier One: This is the person who is listed as the "contact" in the site set up.  They typically are the creator of the site.  They have access to the admin features for that specific site and handle most of the general or basic requests that come in from attendees because they are the ones that will know the most about event specific questions.
  • Tier Two: This is "community" based support by means of a support forum. When a question is posted here, other admins can answer the question for you.
  • Tier Three: This is the professional level of support that covers entries into the database, assistance with technical issues and performing actions that are complicated. It also can also be a great way to get a quick answer on how to do something.
  • Tier Four: This is the highest level of support which requires actual programming or manipulation of the database.

Free Support Options
Their typically is no charge for Tier One and Tier two support.  

There is no charge for support when the request is to fix a script error or to perform a clarifying adjustment (e.g. better wording, etc.). A Tier 3 or 4 agent may at their discretion also not charge for something as a courtesy in the situation.  

Tier 3 Tickets
Standard Tier 1 and Tier 2 tickets stay within the EventCORE help system and are managed at the local level. When a ticket is escalated to Tier 3, it jumps out of the local help system and into our service with The process for making a Tier 3 Request is explained below. You can also read "Tier Three Support Explained" for more details. 

Items with a Charge
Most tickets that are escalated to Tier 3 will incur a charge. Most general questions are answered in the base minimum five minute time frame. For over 80% of the questions, Tier 3 will simply forward you to an answer in the help center. For items like fixing HTML text, creating images or data manipulation in the database (i.e. anihilating an attendee, wholesale changes to a field because of a post set up change, etc.), there will be a charge.  You will be given an estimate of the cost prior to the performance of the action for major items.

Auto Generated Tier 3 Requests
When an attendee uses the 'Contact Us" link to create a local Tier 1 ticket, they have an option of choosing "NOW" priority. In that case a Tier 3 ticket is created but the attendee gets an auto response telling stating them to reply with additional info if it's a technical question. But if it is an event question, they should just hang on. These tickets are occasionally reviewed by Tier 3 but unless the attendee replies with an urgent need, the ticket is never activated.

Tickets are also auto-generated when an integrity issue or script problem occurs. If it is determined that the cause of the error was a bug in the program, there will be no charge for the ticket. Tickets generated by integrity checks that are dealt with in a timely fashion, will not incur a charge. 

Feature Requests
If a client wishes to have a feature built or changed in the script, you should read this answer about script requests.  In some cases your desired request may already be scheduled for production and there will be no charge because it is already funded.  If your desired request is not funded, you may provide the funding and get it into production.  The status of current funded changes and unfunded future changes can be tracked in "Platform 2.0 Status." 

Making a Tier 3 Support Request
If you want to pursue Tier 3 support, you can check out the pricing options here or go straight to submitting a Tier 3 Ticket. Contacting Tier 3 with a an inquiry about a project, does not commit you to a charge. You will first be given an estimate.  Tickets related to already purchased support will be covered by that plan.

Best Practices
When submitting a support ticket, be sure to follow these best practices