Change Registration Type (Amount)

How do I change the Registration Type?
Why am I unable to change the registration type when a payment has been made
How do I change just the amount they owe?

When No Payment Has Been Made
For attendees who still show their entire registration unpaid, you are able to change their registration type by simply editing their attendee record and changing it in the drop down menu.  

After a Payment Has Been Made
But once a positive payment balance shows, you are no longer able to change the registration type until the paid total is back down to zero.  This is done to provide a paper trail for those situations where a person paid for one type of registration and then switched to another.

The process is explained in detail below, but as an overview here's what you do:
  • Determine if their price will change.
  • Refund any "overage" portion directly to the attendee.
  • Refund the balance (what will be applied to the new type) to HOLD funds
  • When their balance is at zero, you change the registration type
  • Apply the held funds as payment for the new type.

Changing a Paid Registration
To change the registration type on a paid registration requires that you first refund the full registration payment (if other cart items are on the invoice, you only need to refund the registration portion). 

It is recommended that you use the option of issuing a refund to a HOLD: As an INTERNAL CREDIT (definition of HOLD As an Internal Credit). See the image below for how to issue this type of refund.  If you refund the full amount to a credit card, you would incur duplicate processing fees so that's why we offer the internal hold as an option.

If the balance due on the new registration type is LOWER than the amount that has already been paid, you'll need to do two separate transactions.  The first transaction is to refund the amount that has been overpaid (the difference between the old amount and the new amount).  This would be refunded to the customer directly.  The remaining balance will now be applied to the new registration type.

Once you have the amount paid on the registration showing as zero, you will again be able to change the attendee registration type.  Once changed, you can then go back in and reapply the payment using the HELD funds back to this same invoice.

A Paper Trail in the Invoice History
When you change the registration type for an invoice where a payment previously had been made, the original registration type will still show in the invoice listing.  This maintains a paper trail that will help you to see that this person originally made a payment on another registration type.  If you look at the final invoice for a change of this type, you'll see multiple entries.  You'll see the original payment for the first registration type, then a refund for that full registration amount and then a secondary payment for the new registration type.

Locking in a Price
If all you want to do is "lock in a price" you should read this answer.