Welcome Page Button

Can I control if the "Words" that appear in the button of the Welcome Page?
Can I turn off the button on the welcome page or use a button that directs to a different location?

The button that appears on the bottom of the welcome page is called the "welcome" button or the "continue" button.  It has the purpose of taking the attendee to the first step in the registration process.  You can control "if" the button appears and what it says.

The ability to turn on or off the showing of this button and what it says, is control in General -> Basic Site Settings section. 
  • The showing of the button is controlled by the "Go to Start" section.
  • The words that appear in the button are determined by what appears in the "Steps Heading."
You can also make a custom button which is explained in a separate answer along with other information about button control.  You can find that answer here.