Edit Attendee Record

How can I make changes to the attendee information?
How do I update attendee travel information?
Where do I change the attendee name?

Your ability to make changes to various attendee information (the attendee record)will be dependent upon your access rights.  Editing basic attendee data requires "Edit Attendee" permission. Dealing with money things needs "Money Actions" and to work with housing you need "Roommate Edit" permission. Without these permissions you will not have the ability to edit various aspects of an attendee record.

If you have appropriate information, there are two primary ways to edit attendee data.

1. From Admin Pages: Most of the normal admin actions that you will need to perform can be managed from the Attendee Views. You can edit an individual record, make payments, and change housing but you can also do various sorting and analysis from these views. From within many of these views you have the option of being able to perform actions on an individual attendee listing by using the "Action Dropdown" which normally appears in the far left column of an attendee listing row.

2. Login As: A safer and more user friendly way (altough slower) to edit attendee information is to use the "login as" feature.  You assume the identity of the attendee and you see exactly what the attendee is seeing. 

If you want to change the name of an attendee to another person, keep in mind that normal protocal is to not use a direct edit of the name from the "Edit Attendee Record" page. We recommend the best practice of transferring the registration in order to maintain a good paper trail.