Extra ?s (Questionnaire) Overview

What is Questionnaire or Extra ?s
Can you suggest some "best practices" for designing a good questionnaire?
How to I get the results of my questionnaire?

NOTE: This answer is incomplete. It is being revised from platform 1.0 to 2.0. The ability to create questionnaires on Platform 2.0 is scheduled for completion by December 31, 2013. If you need a questionnaire completed prior to that time, please contact Tier 3 Technical Support.

Definition of a Questionnaire

Questionnaires are created under "General -> Basic Site Settings."  There is a listing called, "Questionnaire Editing."  It is in this section that you make changes to existing questionnaires or create new ones.

You will initially arrive at a Questionnaire Page. If no questions are yet entered, you are presented with the option to "Enter First Question."  When questions already exist, the "Add New Question Box" appears at the end of your list.  In either case, you are taken to a screen to insert a new question.

The system currently allows for two different questionnaires.  In the old version, this was needed for posting purposes, but in the new upgraded 2.0 version, it only needs to be maintained for backwards compatibility and sequencing. 

The Insert New Question page first asks you for the type of question you wish to enter.  The best way to undersand the question types is that the page that the end user will see is divided into a left and right half.  On the left is the "label" for the question and on the right is the place where data is entered.  On this page, the top part (Question Type) corresponds to the type of "user input."  The bottom part (Description) is the text that appears in the label.  

So if you want to create a field labeled "Hometown" that is a field 20 characters wide, you would choose the "Text Box" option on the top with a width of 20, and then in the description enter "Hometown."  

The question types are:

Text Box:  This is a standard text field in which you define the width.
Text Area: This will create an area in which you can enter in longer text.

Checkboxes Overview:  There are four types of check boxes.  The differences in the first three are alignment.  The fourth is a special checkbox/text combination.  For each of these the concept is slightly reversed in that the checkbox appears to the "left" of the description text.  So in keeping with our left/right page explanation above, for the standard "Check Box" the checkbox is on the left and the description is on the right.  In some cases, this looks really strange on the page and so it looks better to choose a different alignment method of full or center.   These options are:

Check Box
(One column): This is the standard option where the check box is right justified in the left half of the age and the description appears in the right half.
Check Full (Two column): In this case, the entire line is moved over to the far left.  It looks better than having the checkbox hanging outhere by itself.
Check Center: This again uses two columns, but in this case it is center justified rather than left justified.
Check Text: In this case a check box is offered in the left half, but the right half becomes a text box of the width you designate.  This is most often used like an "other" box where you want to allow the user to check the box but then also enter in his own answer.

Menu: This is used to create a dropdown menu.  You are given the option of entering in your own items in the drop down.

Multi-Menu Two: This is a more complex multi-tiered option where the user first selects an option which is then expanded to reveal other options.  For example, your first drop down could be the names of three states.  Then once a state is selected, a second drop down appears that give the names of cities within that state.  This is explained more here

This answer is incomplete.  This is simply a place holder.

Explain what the different questionnaire fields do:

Include the new textCk:99 field.