Restrictive View for Datadump & Other Views

What is the Limited Record Restictive View Option
Can I restrict the view to only show a limited number of records.

If you want to FORCE the system to only show a limited number of records, here are the steps. 

  • Run the normal view.
  • Look at the end of the URL in your browser address bar. For the datadump it will read like this "...admin.php?a=a>attend&i=datadump"
  • Manually add the following to the URL: "&v=1to2000" then hit Enter.

What you are doing by adding this is putting in a "restrictive view" by telling it to only process the first 2000 records. In the event you still get the warning message, you would simply decrease by a few hundred until you reach a point where it properly runs. Note what this number is for the first successful run (most likely the 2000). You will add 1 to that number for the next range.

Once you have the successful run, then click the CSV button just under the blue bar on the far right side. It will ask you to name the file. Use the default name and then put a letter "A" at the end before the .csv. So for example if it suggests "My 2018 Conference.csv" you would insert the "A" to make it "My 2018 ConferenceA.csv". Then save the file in a location that you will be able to easily find.

You now will continue this cycle through the rest of your attendees. So let's say our successful run was at 1600 records. If my event had 3000 attendees, that means I have another 1400 to go. So I should be able to run the range of 1601to3200. (Note, its okay to go over, but if you get a failure message, you would simply decrease.).  Using our above example, you would run "...admin.php?a=a>attend&i=datadump&v=1601to3200". Again do the save to CSV and name it "My 2018 ConfernenceB.csv".

You would use this pattern to complete the export of ALL of your data. You'll then end up with multiple spreadsheets that you simply need combine to give you one big spread sheet. 

This tutorial will not cover how to combine spreadsheets, but many good explanations can be found on the Web for this purpose. Simply search "how to merge data from difference excel spreadsheets".

This is a workaround for large event timeout problems. A key thing to keep in mind, is that this data is already obsolete the minute the next person logs into you site and updates a record. That's why we always recommend working with live data.

Although this process is quite simple and fast once you know it, you may want to avoid the hassle and simply use Tier 3 support to do this for you. It most likely would be a minimal charge (.e.g. less than ten minutes). To make a request, simply "submit a ticket." Simply state that you would like Tier 3 Assistance for a datadump.