Action Dropdown
What is supposed to happen with the "action" dropdowns?
Where is the "Action Dropdown" found?
When I change the "Action" dropdown, nothing happens?
Where is the Action Dropdown Found
This is an admin feature that appears either as a part of the "first search" option or on a standard attendee listing. If active, it will always be in the far left column. This image shows where it is found and what the various options are. The list of available actions will vary based on your admin permissions. For example, if you don't have money permission, the "refund" option will not appear.
Dropdown Actions
When you choose on of the available options, a second window will open and you can then perform various actions. The options are:
The "Action Dropdown" appears
- Edit: Allows you to edit an attendee record. You basically are viewing the same register screen that the attendee sees with additional fields below that are for administrators only.
- Pay: You are taken to the "payment" screen that the attendee sees. This will be for an individual payment. Additional fields appear that allow you to perform additional actions as an administrator (i.e. pay by cash, scholarship, etc.).
- Invoice: Allows you to see the attendee invoice or statement.
- Refund: Process a refund for an attendee.
- Messages: View the various messages that were sent out to this attendee.
When the popup appears, it normally will stay open until you perform the action and then should close. In some cases, it may stay open for ten seconds to allow you to read the message. Rarely it says open for an extended period of time.
Dropdown Action Not Working
The most common cause for when this happens is that the popup window is open in the background and is hidden behind your browser window. So in reality it "is working" but you're just not seeing it. For those with an understanding of "browser windows" you can simply cycle through your open windows to find the hidden window and close it. Or if that doesn't work or doesn't make sense, then we recommend that you totally close your browser and relaunch the EventCORE session.