Switch to Family/Couple/Child Registration
My wife and I accidentally registered separate, but we want to switch to a couple/family registration. How do we do that?
How can I add family members to an existing registration?
What is a family/couple registration and what is the advantage?
Definition & Purpose
Some sites allow the "Register As" option for couples, families and groups. This allows two or more attendees to be grouped together and allows for some information to only be entered once (e.g. address, travel plans, etc).
If you have one or more attendees who appear in the blue box on your home page and none are in a group then a link should appear after the names that you need only click to convert these names to a group invoice. This can be done by the end user -- see the END USER PROCESS below.
Adding Ungrouped Attendee to a Group
When you want to add a non-grouped attendee to a group, you will need to use the "Contact Us" button to request administrator assistance by using the "Contact Us" button.
Combinining Two Separate Attendees into a Group
If a husband and wife are on two separate invoices, they can still be combined, but it too needs administrator action.
Removing Attendees from a Group
It is quite easy for administrators to move people from group to group. There is no End User option to be removed from a group.
Convert Single Registration to a Group Registration
If you register as a single registration on a site that allows group registrations, a link will appear at the bottom of the blue box in your home page that you need only click to convert the current linked registrations to a group invoice.
Add Other Family Members to Existing Family/Couple Registation as End User
If you have names grouped together and a group ID listed (see in image below where it says, "Group 23"), then adding new family or group members is as easy as clicking the "adult" or "child" registation link.
Converting an Existing Single Registation to A Group (As Administrator)
The first step is to identify who is going to be the primary group contact for the group and then go to their attendee record as an admin (Click the "Edit" dropdown from an Attendee Listing). Scroll down to the bottom to where you get to the special Admin Section. In the middle of that section you will see options for managing a family group.
The dropdown will show you all of the existing family groups to which you can add this individual. If the person is already in a group, it will give the option to remove them (at the bottom of the list). If they are not in a group, it will give the option (at the top of the list) to create a new group. Underneath the dropdown there is a check box that you can use to designate one individual as the group coordinator.
Switching Group Coordinators
Each group can only have ONE group coordinator. If you use the check box to select a new group coordinator, the previous group coordinator will be switched back to a regular group member.
How to Remove a Group Coordinator
To remove a person who is listed as a group coordinator, you'll first need to designate someone else as the coordinator for the group. When you then come back to the record for the individual they will no longer be the group coordinator.
How to Remove Everybody from a Group
If you want to remove a group you can either transfer everybody to a different group. If you want to have the all be set to singles and not in a group, you'll need Tier 3 support because when you get down to the last person (who will by default be the group coordinator), the option to remove won't exist because they are the last person in the group and cannot be removed (see previous paragraph).
Can There be a Leaderless Group
Bottom line, nope. In order for a group to exist it has to have a coordinator (that's how the drop down group listing is created). A "leaderless" group is in essense is the same as "linked" registrations.