Legacy Processes
What was the OLD WAY of performing a common action?
How was this done on the Old Platform (Legacy)?
OLD PLATFORM INSTRUCTIONS: (The following instructions ONLY APPLY to the Legacy (Old Platform).
Administrators can use the "transfer" option which is located on the "Attendee Options" page. The process for making a transfer requires that you know the aID (attendee ID number) of the person to whom you would like to transfer the funds. You can find this by doing a search for the recipient and then opening their Attendee Options page. The aID number is located at the top in parenthesis after the attendee name. Once you know this number, go back to the attendee from whom the transfer will be made.
Select the "transfer" option and then fill in the aID number of the recipient, the "Transfer Fee" if any and the dollar amount to transfer. After submission a confirmation page will come up. Confirm and transfer. The transfer fee is what you collect as the processing charge for the transfer. The dollar amount to transfer is then the amount you want to transfer to the other individual. The sum of these two numbers must NOT exceed the total amount available.
This option allows you to collect a fee for processing the transfer and then to send all or some of the balance to another individual. You do not have to transfer all of the balance. For example, on a $200 registration, you could charge a $25 transfer fee. Transfer $75 to someone else and then issue a refund for the remaining balance of $100.
A paper trail is maintained in that the "FROM" attendee will have three entries. 1) An off-setting entry for the registration amount; 2) A record of the transfer fee, even if zero; 3) the fund transfer. In the "TO" attendee, there are two entries. 1) The transfer amount and 2) The credit to their registration type.