Attendee Record
What is the attendee record?
How do I access it?
The attendee record is a reference to all of the data that pertains to an individual attendee. You can access the attendee record in a variety of ways.
Datadump: When you do a datadump, a single line on the spreadsheet is the attendee record. It includes name information, demographics, travel info, housing info, optional selections. This is the most comprehensive and compact way to view the entire attendee record although it is not dynamic in that changes to the record that occur after the datadump will not be updated on the spreadsheet.
Attendee Options: When using the "attendee options" for an individual attendee, you have most of the attendee information at your finger tips. You can perform many actions from the page so it makes sense to use this often as an administrator. If you use the "view summary" option from the Attendee Options, it
Login As: If you login as a particular attendee, you will also have access to the entire attendee record although it won't be on one page. You see what the attendee sees.
View Summary: From the attendee options page, there is an option in the top left column that allows you to view a summary of this attendee record. This will contain the primary information.
View Invoice: Again from the attendee options page, this will grant you access to be able to see the financial transactions related to this attendee record.