Verification Class Setup

What are verification classes?
How do I set up verification classifications?
Is there a way to restrict access to a site?

Verification Classes provide an opportunity to accomplish two things.  First, you can use classes to set up different registration types within a system.  Second, you can set up these classes to either be open or to require a password in which case you provide a secruity layer.

When activated, the class selection becomes the first step in the registration process.  Classes are used when you want certain attendees to see different pricing or options for the event.  The classes can be designated as either being unverified, with no password needed, or verfified where a person must use a password to gain access.

An example would be where you have a conference where you want to provide a way for a certain group of people to receive special pricing but you don't want the general attendee to see that pricing.  You would then set up two classes the first being a "general" attendee and a second being for example, "staff."  The general attendee segment would not require a password but the staff section would.  General attendees would see one set of prices but the staff would see a different.  You would be responsible to deliver the password to all of your staff for them to gain access.

A second use of verification is if you wish to make your entire site protected in that only people who have a verification code (password) are able to access the site.  The verification class set up allows for one code to cover the entire site.  If you wish for individuals to have their own code (i.e. a password that cannot be passed around) that is unique to them, you will need to use an "application" type of site that is explained here.  You can also further protect a site by even requiring your Info Items to only be viewable to those who have registered. Info types are explained here.

To set up a verification class, you go to the General Tab, then Basic Site Settings -> Verification Set-up.  The on-screen instructions should be pretty self explanatory.