Attendee Name Changes
How can I change the attendee name after a payment is made?
Why does the site not allow an attendee to change their name after a payment is made?
Can a registration be transferred to another attendee?
Prior to payment being made, the attendee can change the name on their registration as they wish. But once a payment is made, name changes can only be made by administrator. If a person wants to transfer their registration to another person, there is a provision in the system to do so.
There are two primary reasons for this restriction on name changes. First, to maintain a proper paper trail for registration changes. We want to avoid a situation where Person One makes a payment and then the name is changed to Person Two. If Person One then shows up at the conference and says they paid, we'll have no record because the name was changed. The second reason is that some conferences have cancellation policies that allow for registrations to be "transferred" but their may be a fee associated.
So in most cases you will want to use the transfer feature to change the names of attendees.
An occasion may arise where a name was misspelled or maybe they got married after they paid. If that is the case an administrator with Attendee Options can go to the Attendee Actions for that person and edit their attendee record directly (not by logging in as the attendee, but but going to the "View All Attend" data and clicking the "edit" button to the left of the attendee name).